Friday, 13 January 2012

Golden Weekend!!!

Yes!! It's finally here!!! My Sock Monkey Emporium business cards will be included in the gift bags being given to celebrities by The Artisan Group at the GBK Golden Globes Gift Lounge held in honour of nominees.

Our lovely leaders Valerie and Nikki have been busy setting up our display at the event and sent this photo all the way from Beverley Hills!!!

The artisans who have sent display items have truly done the group proud!! They include Jewels For HopeAlexis Studio DesignThe Crimson PoppySari Blue Jewelry and many many more.

The fun kicks off at 11am LA time and all the members of the group, whether participants or not, are so excited to see which celebrities get their hands on an Artisan Group bag.

1 comment:

  1. Cheers Emma, this is so exciting!! The Artisan Group exhibit is amazing, the ambiance in the room is incredible, I can hardly wait to see the parade of enchanted celebrity photos! You must be over the moon!!

